miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Tutorial on how to write an information sheet



In the introduction you write the purpose of your information sheet. With the use of different tools you can make the reader be attracted to it. The description about the purpose should be short so that you can develop it later.

Titles & Headings

The use of titles and headings is fundamental for the organization of your different topics that you will talk about. Using attractive headings or titles might make the information sheet more interesting.


The text is vital element of the information sheet. The content should be very rich and interesting in order to keep the reader attracted to it. Images can help a lot to the design of your information sheet; also, the use of bullet points is a crucial part of an information sheet.


Lettering might be very important, not only for the layout but also for the Titles & Headings. For example:
  • Titles in italics.
  • Underlined titles.
Also the use of bold letters for certain words might give a special emphasis to any specific word.


The layout is how your text will be organized; an information sheet with a good layout will be visually appealing to the reader. This includes how you present each heading,the way you organize paragraphs or the use of images.


If you follow al these steps then you should be successfull writing your information sheet.

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